Re: SOAP and the Web architecture

> I do scratch my head, however, at the attempted application of REST
> to SOAP. I won't say more until I get a bit more up to speed on it ;)

Heh.  Well, FWIW, I believe that the few times I've spoken out with
much rigour is because I felt that a REST-friendly use of SOAP[1]
wasn't given the priority it deserved by the WG, and that SOAP 1.2
would be unusable to me.

The response code argument[2], the recent "grenade" discussion,
media types, my response (with Randy and Henrik) to the IESG about
Keith Moore's I-D, etc..  The basis of all of those arguments, for
the most part, was my understanding of REST.



Received on Friday, 24 August 2001 01:50:30 UTC