FW: Glen Daniels, Allaire Corp. -- Introduction

What David said. :)  --G

-----Original Message-----
From: Glen Daniels 
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2000 6:01 PM
To: w3c-xml-protocol-wg@w3.org
Subject: Glen Daniels, Allaire Corp. -- Introduction

Hi all, I'm Glen Daniels, and I will be serving as Allaire's primary on the
XML Protocol group.  I'm the engineering manager and architect for Allaire's
B2B/Dataflow engine, which will be making heavy use of XML and web services.

I've been involved in XML protocols since 1998, working on WDDX-based RPC,
and with SOAP since March of this year.  Distributed computing in general
(object-oriented network frameworks, conferencing, distributed object
systems) has been a focus for me for about 11 years.  I'm an active
participant and committer in the Apache-SOAP open-source effort, and have
been specifically interested in clean engine architecture, language data
bindings, and implementing an extension framework for facets such as
security and distributed transactions.

I'll be in Raleigh for the meeting, and am very much looking forward to
helping fulfill the potential of this group, and working with all of you.

Glen Daniels
Allaire Corp
Engineering Manager
                                Building cool stuff for web developers

Received on Monday, 2 October 2000 16:57:55 UTC