Quick Survey - Use SOAP - results

Thanks to all who sent in their survey.
The results are mixed & I don't think we can draw any real conclusions from
them - there were a lot of duplicate numbers and I was hoping for a pure
Here are the averages anyway:

2.1 - synchronous request/response generic XML
2.8 - synchronous request/response RPC method calls
2.2 - asynchronous message to a queue (single consumer)
3.4 - asynchronous message to a topic (multiple subscribers)
2.6 - other

==== The data in CSV format ====

synchronous request/response generic
synchronous request/response RPC method calls,,5,1,1,5,1,5,1,1,5,5,1,5,2,3,
asynchronous message to a queue (single
asynchronous message to a topic (multiple

Received on Monday, 2 October 2000 14:17:07 UTC