RE: XP Service URIs

> I think it would be good to require the envelope to *support* 
> identification of
> the URI. I don't necessarily think that the URI should be a 
> required element.

SOAP [2] depends on XML namespaces to identify SOAP modules (using
terminology from [1]). The question is then to say whether XML NS are
mandatory or optional and at what level. 

SOAP requires that all immediate child elements of the SOAP Header
element MUST be namespace-qualified and that all immediate child
elements of the SOAP Body element MAY be namespace-qualified.

Given the division between headers and body I think this is a reasonable
choice although one could argue that the latter could be a SHOULD. As
SOAP doesn't depend on anything lower than the immediate child elements
of Header and Body, it makes sense not to say anything about how Modules
use XML NS.



Received on Tuesday, 21 November 2000 17:17:40 UTC