Re: [DS4] Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

At 09:29 AM 2000-12-21, wrote:
>Communicating parties need not use the same language and/or object
>      system, and indeed it is not required that any particular technology
>      or language binding be used to serialize or deserialize the XML

The "is not required" part deserves further comment.  The definition of XP 
would not require it.  But usage scenarios are by definition examples of 
ways that XP would be used.  Thus, it would be required that XP could 
support such as usage scenario (if the XP WG agrees with the usage scenario).

That said, it would seem that a valid DS4 would allow serialized objects as 
"in", "out",or "return" parameters.  Parameter "types" in DS4 must be 
well-formed XML.  Besides that, XP would not define any types.


Received on Thursday, 21 December 2000 16:44:08 UTC