Re: DR051 and DR006: Identification of message

Alex Ceponkus wrote:

> DR051:
> "A message must have a globally unique identifier."
> DR006:
> "Support uniquely identifying messages as entities, so that correlating
> related message (such as requests and responses) is possible over any
> transport." [...]
> I think that these two requirements are similar enough that the resulting
> requirement will probably encompass them both. [...]
> "An XP message must be able to support a globally unique identifier to
> identify itself."

I disagree. I don't think you need (world-wide) globally unique identifiers
to "correlate" a request and its response, so I would suggest we keep DR006
as is.

As for DR051, I'd be tempted to just drop it, but I'm not sure what the real
intent was. Anyone remembering?


Received on Wednesday, 6 December 2000 17:18:10 UTC