DR125: Defining app layer semantics

We do not expect the Working Group to actively take on defining application
layer semantics except where such semantics are general enough to
accommodate a large set of applications. In particular, it is anticipated
that other initiatives including other W3C Activities and potentially other
Working Groups within this Activity (if approved by the W3C Membership) will
undertake the important work of defining application layer semantics that
use the XML Protocol framework. These work efforts may take place at the
same time as those of the Working Group.

This requirement is taken directly from the charter.  We could trim it to
something like:

"XP will not define application layer semantics"

or perhaps (but it might open the door to defining more than a framework, as
has been mentioned before on this list):

"XP will not define application layer semantics except where such semantics
are general enough to accommodate a large set of applications."

However, DR305 seems to overlap with this requirement except with the
addition of "complex".  It looks like there is a significant amount of
overlap between DR124, DR125 and DR305 that we might be able to collapse
them down to one.



Received on Wednesday, 6 December 2000 14:23:14 UTC