subfacets of serialization

See <> for background.

I've noticed in protocol or serialization-related XML grammars* that
there are three general types of grammars, which are a subset or
further breakdown of the "serialization" facet:

    The XML schema is specific to the application, doesn't
    (intentionally) share characteristics with other applications.
    These almost always reflect the application data structure

    Generated XML that uses element names derived from application
    data structures through some type of mapping or rules.  SOAP is of
    this type.

    Generated XML that uses fixed element names to serialize
    application data structures.  XML-RPC and WDDX are of this type.

(* "grammar" refers generically to any type of schema or DTD.)

  -- Ken

Received on Wednesday, 5 April 2000 14:47:12 UTC