MarcXchange - proposal for a new standard for MARC-records

To ZIG-list

In these months the ISO committee for Technical Interoperability -
Information and Documentation votes on a proposal for a New Work Item
about a XML schema to wrap MARC-records. For many years ISO2709 has
worked well, but today it is necessary to use XML in many cases. 

That's the reason for the proposal for MarcXchange.

More information:

Best regards,

Leif Andresen
Chair of Danish Standard S24 Information and Documentation

Leif Andresen    *   Email:
Library Advisory Officer
Danish National Library Authority
Nyhavn 31 E, DK-1051 Copenhagen K
Phone direct: +45 3373 3354
Phone: +45 3373 3373 *  Telefax: +45 3373 3372

Received on Wednesday, 27 April 2005 13:41:23 UTC