ZING Information Forum June 22-23, Chicago

A ZING Information Forum, organized by the  SRW Editorial Board, will be
held June 22-23 at UIC (University of Illinois at Chicago) --  Wednesday,
June 22, 8:30-4, and Thursday, June 23, 8:30-noon. See:


The forum will include presentations on  ZING (Z39.50 International, Next
Generation) components: SRU, SRW, CQL, ZOOM, ZeeRex, Update; related
projects and protocols: Metasearch, OpenSearch, DSpace, OAI; implementation:
toolkits, implementing SRU in Perl; technical details: CQL/advanced searcc
for specific communities e.g. GEO, schemas, wsdl ......  higher-level
presentations earler in the program, more-technical content later, ending
with a business meeting, to conduct outstanding Z39.50/ZING business,
proposals, etc.

You can attend all or part of this program, it is open to anyone interested,
no charge. However we request that you register as seating might be limited.

See the preliminary list of presenters.   The program is still in
development and if you would like to suggest a topic or agenda item, or
volunteer to present on one of the unassigned listed topics, please contact
me rden@loc.gov.

 My thanks to Slavko Manojlovich for arranging a host, and to UIC (Linda
Naru, Jackie Buckner) for hosting this forum.

--Ray Denenberg

[apologies for multiple postings]

Received on Friday, 22 April 2005 20:06:49 UTC