Re: Z39.50 Extended Services / Item Order

"Private Known" vs. "Prvate Not Known":  You'll note on the ASN.1 that the first is type null and the second external.  Thus, privateKnown if present has no value and its presence is an indication that the payment method is known between the two parties(but not exchanged in the protocol). PrivateNotKnown means that some external structure is supplied. 

"Unfilled Copyright" vs. "Filled Copyright": Sorry, can't help you. These are value straight out of the ILL protocol (ISO 10161). Perhaps one of the ILL protocol folks can help.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Troutpegli Dina 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2004 7:27 AM
  Subject: Z39.50 Extended Services / Item Order

  Dear all,

  I am a Librarian and currently work at an organization that develops a software based on Z39.50 Protocol. Trying to interpret the Item Order Extended Service in order to incorporate this particular function in our Z-client, we have a difficulty in understanding the meaning of two specific parameters.

  The first is about the values "Private Known" & "Private Not Known" found at Payment Method. The second is about the values "Unfilled Copyright" & "Filled Copyright" found at Auxiliary Status.

  Your lights on the particular topics would be very helpful.

  Thank you in advance.

  Dina Troutpegli

Received on Tuesday, 23 November 2004 00:00:54 UTC