Re: Terms and display terms in scan

From: "Mike Taylor" <>
> Comment 11
> Presence of displayTerm means that term is not
> considered by the server to be suitable for display,
> and displayTerm should instead be displayed.  'term'
> is the actual term in the term list; 'displayTerm' is
> for display purposes only, and is not an actual term
> in the term list.
> Which doesn't seem to clear the matter up one way or another.  I say
> that whatever "displayTerm" is used for, "term" itself _must_ be
> which can be submitted in a search, ....
I don't think this assertion is under challenge. You're right that the
comment directly imply or address this point but it's always been my
impression that everyone agreed that terms returned via scan are for
purposes of using in a search.

> ... which soundex output such as S123
> clearly is not -- at least, not for any normal index.  Ergo, it
> go in the "term" element of a scan response.  The "term" must
> stuff like "Smith" and "Smythe".

Well I can only tell you that when this was developed (1994) the
intent was that 's123' goes in the search and not "smith". If that's
not true in practice then we need to amend the standard.


Received on Wednesday, 25 February 2004 09:37:52 UTC