SRW/U and CQL Version 1.1 Specifications Released

SRW/U and CQL Version 1.1 Specifications Released.
February 13, 2004.

(Appologies for cross-posting.)

The SRW Maintenance Agency at the Library of Congress, in conjunction
with the SRW Development Group, announces the release of version 1.1
of  SRW, the Search/Retrieve Web Service; SRU, Search and Retrieve by
URL; and CQL, the Common Query Language.
      Version 1.1 supercedes Version 1.0, the initial, experimental
version, which was released November 2002. Version 1.1 has been in
development for more than a year and is the first official version.
     SRW is an XML-based protocol designed to be a
low-barrier-to-entry solution for searching and other information
retrieval operations across the internet. It uses existing, well
tested, and easily available technologies, such as URI, XML, SOAP,
HTTP, and XPath. The design reflects the many years of experience
gained developing and using Z39.50; SRW is both robust and easy to
understand while retaining many of the important aspects of Z39.50.
Web technologies reduce the barriers to new information providers
allowing them to make their resources available via a standard search
and retrieve service. Building on Z39.50 semantics enables the
creation of gateways to existing Z39.50 systems.
     The protocol may be carried via SOAP or as parameters in a URL.
When carried via SOAP, it is referred to as SRW; via URL, as SRU.
    CQL is a formal language for representing queries to information
retrieval systems, including web indexes, bibliographic catalogues,
and museum-collections information. Traditionally, query languages are
either (on one hand) powerful and expressive but complex and
unfriendly -- SQL, Xquery  -- or (on the other hand) simple and
intuitive but neither powerful nor expressive, for example,
Google.  CQL's goal is to combine the simplicity and friendliness
of Google searching with the expressive power of Z39.50,
supporting queries ranging from very simple to arbitrarily
complex expressions.
     Home pages for SRW/U and CQL are  and  Specifications are linked from these pages
and a list of implementers is available.
    SRW/U and CQL version 1.1 specifications will be submitted to
NISO, the National Information Standards Organization, as NISO
   The following are among those who have participated in the
development of the SRW/U and CQL version 1.1 specification or have
otherwise contributed to the intellectual development of SRW/U and CQL
(listed alphabetically): Eliot Christian, Ray Denenberg, Adam
Dickmeiss,  Larry Dixson,  Matthew Dovey, Sebastian Hammer, Janifer
Gatenby, Poul Henrik Jorgensen , Alan Kent, Ralph LeVan, Bill Moen,
Rob Sanderson, Pat Stevens, Mike Taylor, Theo Van Veen.
   For information, contact Ray Denenberg, Library of Congress,

Received on Wednesday, 18 February 2004 10:32:51 UTC