Re: ZeeRex DTD

On Tue, 30 September, 2003 14:02, Robert Sanderson wrote:
> > I've had an absolutely thorough :) look over the ZeeRex pages at
> > <> but haven't found any explanatory notes for
> > entries into a ZeeRex XML record.
> "Any information which is considered useful regarding the history of the
> database may be recorded in the history element. This might include the
> sponsors for its creation, or significant moments in its history."
>   --

This is just the kind of page I was looking for, thanks.  How did I miss the 
commentary, reference guide *and* FAQ for the DTD (they're even linked in 
the overview, which I *did* read)?  Apologies to all.

Element/attribute omissions in the commentary are fine -- that tends to mean 
I don't need to worry too much about it!


Ben Soares                              	   tel:	+44 (0)131-651 1238
EDINA, Edinburgh University Data Library	   fax:	+44 (0)131-650 3308
Main Library Building, George Square    	 email:
Edinburgh EH8 9LJ, Scotland, UK         	   www:

"Hmmm, that makes no sense to me...
 But then you are very small, perhaps you're right." -- Treebeard

Received on Tuesday, 30 September 2003 09:10:22 UTC