ZeeRex DTD


I've had an absolutely thorough :) look over the ZeeRex pages at
<http://explain.z3950.org/> but haven't found any explanatory notes for 
entries into a ZeeRex XML record.

For instance, what's supposed to be described by the data in a 
<explain><databaseInfo><history> tag (I can guess, but would like to be 
more certain than that)?
What should go in the "type" attribute in a <link> tag?

Anyone written/know of a page that'll tell me the secrets behind ZeeRex (the 
closest I've seen are the links to examples)?


Ben Soares                              	   tel:	+44 (0)131-651 1238
EDINA, Edinburgh University Data Library	   fax:	+44 (0)131-650 3308
Main Library Building, George Square    	 email:	ben.soares@ed.ac.uk
Edinburgh EH8 9LJ, Scotland, UK         	   www:	http://edina.ac.uk/

"Hmmm, that makes no sense to me...
 But then you are very small, perhaps you're right." -- Treebeard

Received on Monday, 29 September 2003 07:54:44 UTC