Re: Model question

>> Can or should we start to try to apply all the methods in a
>> consistent manner across target, result set and presents?
>Yes, that's it precisely.  I couldn't have said it better myself.

And forgo the features that don't fit well--- or "services" that would
be "too costly" to provide-- for the sake of consistency?

Taking OODBMS to an OOSR I think would demand significant feature

Or are our aims to provide the most powerfull S/R tools be can?
(Un)elegant or not! OODBMS or not..

Or somwhere in between--- where many of us have been moving.

Edward C. Zimmermann, Basis Systeme netzwerk, Munich
53;GR=2;PRINTER_FRIENDLY=TRUE">Leopoldstrasse 53-55, D-80802 Munich, Federal 
Republic of Germany</A>
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Received on Sunday, 27 July 2003 14:47:25 UTC