Re: ASN.1 of new Z39.50 spec

Alan -- the version available at the Maintenance Agency site is not the "new spec"
yet, it's the "ballot version" and still draft. We anticipate that there are minor
errors and they will all be corrected (if brought to our attention) prior to
publication. That would include capitalization errors in the ASN.1.

Alan Kent wrote:

> 1) The Dedup and PQESCorrection Options start with a uppercase letter.
>    This is illegal in ASN.1

We'll correct this.

Please see  or
the table at the end summarizes  the decisions on what is and is not included.

> 2) They appear to have dropped the ASN.1 of DIAG-1. Was this intended?

Yes, it was intended. I took a poll (a while ago) to see if anyone had implemented
it and wanted it to remain part of the published standard (the definition will
continue to be maintained), and noboby responded affirmatively.  If there are NISO
members who indicate in ballot comments that they want it included, it will be put

> 3) They appear to have dropped the ASN.1 of resource report format 1.
>    Was this intended?

Yes, supereceded by resource-2.

> 5) eSpec-1 is missing. Was this intended?

Yes, superceded by eSpec-2.


Received on Monday, 6 May 2002 10:09:05 UTC