Mapping of Bath Profile searches to Z39.50 Attribute Architecture sets

As follow-up to discussion on the use of the Bib-2 Attribute Set at the
October 2001 meeting on the Bath Profile / ZIG at Boston Spa, Lennie Stovel
and I have prepared a document mapping the basic bibliographic searches, as
defined in Functional Area A of the Bath Profile to search attributes of the
Bib-2 Attribute Set (OID:  1.2.840.100003.3.18).  This document is posted on
the web at:
Bib-2 is designed for use when searching bibliographic databases containing
description of a wide range of bibliographic materials, created according to
accepted cataloguing rules such as the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules. It
was formulated according to the Z39.50 Attribute Architecture and uses
attributes from more general attribute sets, such as the Cross-Domain
Attribute Set and the Utility Attribute Set.  In addition, specific
attributes have been defined in the Bib-2 Attribute Set to support the
searching of bibliographic databases.
We'll be discussing this at the ZIG / Bath meetings next week at OCLC in
Dublin, Ohio.  

For those people participating in the development of the Bath profile who
are not following the ZIG list, you can find more information on the Bib-2
Attribute Set at http

Barbara Shuh
Library Network Specialist
National Library of Canada
Phone:  (613) 995-1701  Fax:  (613) 943-1939

Received on Monday, 25 March 2002 16:10:04 UTC