Bib-2 Final Draft

In preparation for the discussion on the Bib-2 Attribute Set at the ZIG
meeting next week, I've posted the "Final Draft" of the Bib-2 Attribute Set
on the web at:
Major changes since the Boston Spa meeting include 
*	assignment of an OID {1.2.840.10003.3.18}
*	addition of Bib-2 Expansion/Interpretation attributes (1) adjacent
words, (2) all of these words, (3) any of these words, (4) left anchored
(previously defined as Bib-2 Format/Structure attributes). 
*	addition of Bib-2 Format/Structure attribute (1) set of words. 
*	addition of UNIMARC codes (courtesy of Liv Holm and Joe Altimus) to
parallel Source info provided for MARC 21

Other changes are summarized in the latest version of the Document History

Barbara Shuh
Library Network Specialist
National Library of Canada
Phone:  (613) 995-1701  Fax:  (613) 943-1939

Received on Monday, 25 March 2002 15:09:05 UTC