RE: Representing DRA holdings in a future Z39.50 client app


To complement Martin's accurate description, Sirsi-DRA has written specs for
implementing this format.  I'll send them off to you in a separate message.

Best Regards,

Rolande St-Gelais
Director of Development/MultiLIS Systems
DRA Information Inc.
6300, ave. Auteuil, bureau 425
Brossard (Québec)
J4Z 3P2
Téléphone  : (450) 445-1317
Canada/US: (800) 884-9330
Télécopieur : (450) 445-1217 

-----Original Message-----
From: Marvin Pollard
To: A. Bullen
Sent: 2/14/2002 2:21 PM
Subject: Re: Representing DRA holdings in a future Z39.50 client app


DRA Classic does not support the Opac Record Syntax. In order to
retrieve the holdings information we did this: Take the Marion
bibliographic database number out of the bib data in the present
response and then submit a new search, using the Marion Bib database
number, in a search of the circle_item_file database. We use a 1,12 Use
attribute for the search to retrieve the circulation information. The
Object Identifier for this search is: 1.2.840.10003.5.1000.10.1, 

DRA Classic uses a 6 digit code which can be mapped to a temporary
location label for human eyes. Contact the library to learn what the
codes mean. 

The DRA Classic Circle_item-file provides the Call number, the Item ID,
the temporary location and the availability status in the present

DATABASE = circle_item_file, 

Contact me directly if you need more information about how to do this 

Marvin Pollard 

"A. Bullen" wrote: 

Dear all, 

Please let me first apologize for what is probably a hopelessly naive 
question. I did try to search the archives for the answer, but the 
search doesn't seem to be working. 

To wit: I am trying to implement a Z39.50 client connection to a DRA 
(Classic) online catalog. We are currently using a (at this point) 
rather old implementation of OCLC's SiteSearch product, but we need to 
expand beyond its capabilities. In trying to use the YAZ toolkit, I can 
easily connect to and get good solid results from the server; however, I

cannot get holdings information returned along with its accompanying 
record. I CAN get good holdings information from the OCLC client. See 
the difference at
<> . 
Obviously, in a DRA system, there is a separate file that contains 
holdings which is then attached to the record. Also obviously, OCLC has 
put in a lovely little widget of code  into their black box JAR file 
that retrieves the full MARC record. Since I can't get at that, I would 
like to be able to duplicate their efforts. 

Questions to this community: 

A. What is the name of this file in a DRA system? 
B. How does one reach it through a mechanism like a Z client? 
C. What links the master MARC record with its holdings record? 

Thank you for your time, 

Andrew Bullen 
Illinois State Library

Marvin E. Pollard, Jr.             
Project Manager                
Unified Information Access System 
California State University                          562 951-4262 
401 Golden Shore                                FAX  562 951-4925 
Long Beach, Ca  90802 

Received on Thursday, 14 February 2002 15:02:44 UTC