- From: Rolande St-Gelais <rolande@sirsi.com>
- Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2002 15:01:25 -0500
- To: "'Marvin Pollard '" <mpollard@calstate.edu>, "'A. Bullen '" <abullen@ameritech.net>
- Cc: "'www-zig@w3.org '" <www-zig@w3.org>, "'levinej@sls.lib.il.us '" <levinej@sls.lib.il.us>
Andrew, To complement Martin's accurate description, Sirsi-DRA has written specs for implementing this format. I'll send them off to you in a separate message. Best Regards, Rolande Rolande St-Gelais Director of Development/MultiLIS Systems DRA Information Inc. 6300, ave. Auteuil, bureau 425 Brossard (Québec) J4Z 3P2 Téléphone : (450) 445-1317 Canada/US: (800) 884-9330 Télécopieur : (450) 445-1217 rolande@sirsi.com -----Original Message----- From: Marvin Pollard To: A. Bullen Cc: www-zig@w3.org; levinej@sls.lib.il.us Sent: 2/14/2002 2:21 PM Subject: Re: Representing DRA holdings in a future Z39.50 client app Andrew, DRA Classic does not support the Opac Record Syntax. In order to retrieve the holdings information we did this: Take the Marion bibliographic database number out of the bib data in the present response and then submit a new search, using the Marion Bib database number, in a search of the circle_item_file database. We use a 1,12 Use attribute for the search to retrieve the circulation information. The Object Identifier for this search is: 1.2.840.10003.5.1000.10.1, DRA Classic uses a 6 digit code which can be mapped to a temporary location label for human eyes. Contact the library to learn what the codes mean. The DRA Classic Circle_item-file provides the Call number, the Item ID, the temporary location and the availability status in the present response. DATABASE = circle_item_file, Contact me directly if you need more information about how to do this Marvin Pollard "A. Bullen" wrote: Dear all, Please let me first apologize for what is probably a hopelessly naive question. I did try to search the archives for the answer, but the search doesn't seem to be working. To wit: I am trying to implement a Z39.50 client connection to a DRA (Classic) online catalog. We are currently using a (at this point) rather old implementation of OCLC's SiteSearch product, but we need to expand beyond its capabilities. In trying to use the YAZ toolkit, I can easily connect to and get good solid results from the server; however, I cannot get holdings information returned along with its accompanying record. I CAN get good holdings information from the OCLC client. See the difference at http://www.finditillinois.org/drarecords.html <http://www.finditillinois.org/drarecords.html> . Obviously, in a DRA system, there is a separate file that contains holdings which is then attached to the record. Also obviously, OCLC has put in a lovely little widget of code into their black box JAR file that retrieves the full MARC record. Since I can't get at that, I would like to be able to duplicate their efforts. Questions to this community: A. What is the name of this file in a DRA system? B. How does one reach it through a mechanism like a Z client? C. What links the master MARC record with its holdings record? Thank you for your time, Andrew Bullen Illinois State Library -- Marvin E. Pollard, Jr. mpollard@calstate.edu Project Manager http://uias.calstate.edu <http://uias.calstate.edu> Unified Information Access System California State University 562 951-4262 401 Golden Shore FAX 562 951-4925 Long Beach, Ca 90802
Received on Thursday, 14 February 2002 15:02:44 UTC