Re: Betr.: Retrieving XML

At 13:50 22-04-2002 +0100, Robert Sanderson wrote:

> > As far as it concerns sending stylesheets: when a client gets the XML it
> > can do the XSLT translation itself. I do not see the need of sending the
> > stylesheet. We have a SRU client that is a complete portal for
>Thin clients may not have this capacity.  Equally the client could ask for
>it in MARC and transform it into the desired XML. Or even easier from

Another rationale is that the retrieval records may be very large. If 
you've found ten books in a full-text base and you want to show the titles 
to the user, it would be a shame to have to download ten complete books 
from the server.

Sebastian Hammer, Index Data <>
Ph: +45 3341 0100, Fax: +45 3341 0101

Received on Monday, 22 April 2002 09:00:38 UTC