RE: Retrieving XML

> > Giving the URI as opposed to shipping the StyleSheet is arguably a
> > simplification, although it does force the Z39.50 server to act as a
> > client, and it requires the stylesheet to be available somewhere
> Not necessarily. If people don't want to support on-the-fly style
> they can use the URI as a string identifier in the same way as they
> use XPATH as a string identifier.

But then we need to know what stylesheets a server supports in advance.
The URI is now little more that element set name such as we already a
have with B, F etc. (as in section 3.6.2 of the 1995 doc.). Since an
element set name is an arbitrary string, there's nothing to stop a given
implementation using strings which conform to a URI, but apart from
being able to write "uses URI's" on the box, this gives us no real
additional functionality over what we have already.


Received on Monday, 22 April 2002 08:49:01 UTC