Re: Proposal: Searching XML

(+cc: Liam Quin)

On Sat, 20 Apr 2002, Sebastian Hammer wrote:

[XML/Z39.50 search proposal snipped]

> Will it "sell" better? It still won't win the world, but
> you can't miss the fact that the W3C *still* doesn't have a suitable IR
> protocol. Maybe the slot is still open.

Heheh, fair point. imho. XML query isn't quite in this space, on my
understanding, and RDF query systems tend to be more focussed on graph
matching, less on text-oriented searching. I think there are folk in the
XML query group looking at extensions for full text search. I'll try to
track down details on that (Liam, can you comment at all?).

BTW If folk are Web-izing Z39.50, feedback on the W3C SOAP 1.2 designs
would be useful. I think Last Call is expected soon.

I'd (speaking as a developer) certainly be interested in seeing this
Searching XML proposal worked through and implemented. I'm not sure W3C
are shopping for an IR protocol right now, but anything that bridges the
XML mainstream technologies with Z39.50 can only be good for the digital
library community.

FWIW we've been having a related thread on the RDF Interest Group lately,

One idea I'm hoping to implement is to use RDF tools at a data merging
layer, and then (for IR purposes) write out records in GILS or whatever
to load into Zebra and/or Cheshire for query. I'm also trying to figure
out how XPath based matching fits into the various RDF query proposals out

Anyhow, interesting proposal. I need to think about the details some

best wishes,



Received on Saturday, 20 April 2002 18:07:16 UTC