Re: Sort criteria in Search Request

Robert Sanderson wrote:

> > The real need for sort to be close to search-request is, as the doc says,
> > for targets that need to be able to optimise the way they work. I have a
> > few SQL backends, and it's really inconvienient to execute what can be a
> > heavy SQL statement, only to have to immediately re-evaluate it because a
> > sort-request has just come in and now we need to tag some order by clause
> > on the end.
> So the point is just to make it easier for using SQL as a backend then?

That was my reaction too. But the thing that would stop me using
encapsulation would be that (as far as I know) you can't say do
this search and only sort if the result set is less than NNNN

> A lot of targets, according to their Supported Requests info in Init don't
> support sort. And a lot of the ones that claim it, don't in truth.

Can you expand on this Rob? What exactly are these targets not doing?


Ashley Sanders                      
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Received on Monday, 17 September 2001 07:53:28 UTC