Re: holdings-schema proposal

It's already available in ChildEnumChronology.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Janifer Gatenby" <>
To: "Ray Denenberg" <>; <>
Cc: "Janifer Gatenby" <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 9:40 AM
Subject: Fw: holdings-schema proposal

> Ray said:  "It is claimed that the schema cannot express
> "volume 5, issue 2" as a flat value. (Why it can't isn't
> clear to me...."
> It's not clear to me either.
> Can we allow unstructured string data in "alternativeEnumeration" and
> "alternativeChronology" so that it can be used for simple flat display?
> Janifer Gatenby
> Pica ITC Consultancy
> +31 71 5246  500 (tel)
> +31 71 5223 119 (fax)
> -------------Forwarded Message-----------------
> From:,
> To: ZIG,
> Date: 14/11/01 16:29
> RE: holdings-schema proposal
> There was a proposal presented at the October ZIG meeting to
> change the holdings schema. See:
> There was objection to the proposal, and we ended the
> meeting with no clear path towards resolution. There was
> agreement at the meeting to discuss this over the list, but
> there has been little discussion and no progress towards
> resolution (as far as I can tell).  I've recently been asked
> (privately) to see if we can move the discussion along
> towards consensus.
> I would like to begin by trying to describe the problem in
> my own words, partly to get a better understanding myself.
> BibPart may have "child" bibParts, and this is represented
> by recursion, that is, Bibpart  includes an element
> childBibPart whose data type is BibPart.  Bibpart in
> addition includes elements enumeration and chronology; these
> two elements would occur within the child bibparts, as well
> as the top level bib part.
> Enumeration and chronology occur with each bibPart, and they
> too are viewed as hierarchical, for example in the
> enumeration  "volume 5, Issue 2",  "Issue 2" is subordinate
> to "volume 5".  It is claimed that the schema cannot express
> "volume 5, issue 2" as a flat value. (Why it can't isn't
> clear to me. There doesn't seem to be any restriction on the
> value, but let's assume you can't do it, for argument
> sake.)  So the suggestion is that enumeration and
> chronology  each be defined as individually recursive, to
> allow children, thus to express the subordinate relation.
> Thus every bibPart (top level and children) would have a
> recursively defined enumeration and a recursively defined
> chronology.
> Those who oppose the proposal suggest that the recursive
> definition of bibPart is sufficient recursion to recurse
> these two elements (implicit recursion). In other word,
> suppose there aren't really any child bib parts, but there
> are "child" chronologies for the single bib part. You could
> artificially recurse bibpart to effect the recursion.
> That's my summary of the proposal and the two positions.  Is
> this a reasonable interpretation?
> If so, I have two observations/opinions:
> 1. I don't think that artificial recursion of bibPart (i.e.
> implicit recursion) is a good thing. You shouldn't recurse
> bibpart unless there is a child bibpart. If you do, you have
> a semantic mess. Suppose we adopt these semantic and there
> is a child bibpart:  how would you know whether the
> recurring enumeration/chronology applies to the child or the
> parent?
> 2. On the other hand, it seems like overkill to recurse
> enumeration and/or chronology. Why can't they simply be made
> repeatable? I.e. allow multiple occurences, where the
> semantics of multiple occurences is that the N+1th occurence
> is subordinate to the Nth.
> Comments please!
> --Ray
> --
> Ray Denenberg
> Library of Congress
> 202-707-5795
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