Re: Near-final Text for Z39.50-2001 Ballot

> Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 10:44:39 -0500
> From: Ray denenberg <>
> > .... But, Ray, there are no changebars or anything (so far as I
> > can see -- am I missing something?)  What are we supposed to do?
> > Read the whole damned thing?!
> Well I had a philosophical discussion with the NISO board about
> including change bars, and the idea was vetoed. When the ballot
> version is circulated for ballot, the circulatees are indeed
> supposed to read the "whole damned thing".

Huh!  Well, I guess there's nothing you can do about that, then.

> Nobody is obliged to read this pre-ballot version; I've made it
> available for those who want to.

Yeah.  Just don't be too disappointed when no-one actually does :-(

 _/|_	 _______________________________________________________________
/o ) \/  Mike Taylor   <>
)_v__/\  "In the forwards debate: Rush _is_ past it, despite the odd
	 hat-trick" -- Lee Curran.

Received on Wednesday, 21 November 2001 11:40:28 UTC