Re: Next ZIG - new record type / How to request a spcific schema for XML records?

On Thu, Mar 08, 2001 at 01:04:22PM +0000, Ian Ibbotson wrote:
> Perhaps it's worth entertaining the longer-term idea that we need a new 
> Choice based type for identifers that would allow us to use real XML 
> namespace identifiers instead of the creating schemas for OID's? 
> Regardless of the actual administrative overhead of trying to keep track 
> of the relationship between these new schema OID's and their associated 
> namespace identifiers, there is a feeling in my gut that using OID's as 
> a proxy for namespace identifiers  is just wrong.

  I think it is clear that the time has come to move from OIDs.  We keep
bumping into this issue, and it certainly touches the side issue of Z39.50
looking like it is holding on to old OSI concepts.  
  Will this take a whole new version - I suspect the answer will be yes.
Will the whole standard then have to be debated / overhauled? I suspect
this answer will also be yes, and unfortunately not sure who has the
time/energy for that undertaking in the way things move presently...
 So I think the proposal is to make OIDs a choice with a STRING everywhere
they appear in Z39.50 -  can this be done in a reasonable time frame, and
does it require reballoting the whole standard?  Or is this an over-
simplification and each OID needs to be looked at?

Robert K. Waldstein                Email:
Bell Laboratories, Room 3D-591     Phone: (908) 582-6171
600 Mountain Avenue
Murray Hill, New Jersey  07974

Received on Thursday, 8 March 2001 09:00:22 UTC