ANNOUNCEMENT: Five New XML-Query Drafts (fwd)

Here are pointers to the latest documents published by the W3C XML Query
Language Working Group

Mark H Needleman
Product Development Specialist - Standards
Data Research Associates, Inc.
1276 North Warson Road
P.O. Box 8495
St Louis, MO 63132-1806

Phone: 800 325-0888 (US/Canada)
       314 432-1100 x318
Fax: 314 993-8927
W3C's XML Query Working Group has just published FIVE new drafts.
Two are the latest updates of existing drafts:
XML Query Use Cases ( )
XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language ( )

Two are replacements:
XQuery 1.0 Formal Semantics ( )
  replaces the former "XML Query Algebra"
XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model ( )
  replaces the former "XML Query Data Model"

And finally, one is brand new:
XML Syntax for XQuery 1.0 (XQueryX)
 ( )

General discussion on the drafts should be addressed to the mailing list
(archives at ).

Comments and feedback on the drafts *solely addressed to the working
group* should instead be sent at
(archives at ). 

Latest versions always available from the XML Query page
( ), 
also containing an explanation of the above mailing lists.

| Massimo Marchiori                                             |
| The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)  Tel: + 1 617 4523757     |
| MIT Laboratory for Computer Science  Fax: + 1 617 2585999     |
| University of Venice                 Tel: +39 041 2908423     |
| WWW:    Fax: +39 041 2908419     |
| Email:                                         |

Received on Tuesday, 12 June 2001 11:26:20 UTC