Re: .maximum < .optimum : Who wins?

On 13/04/2021 22:55, Christian Roth wrote:
> quick question: What happens if .maximum is less than .optimum?

The question was quick, the answer is quick, but in between, the
question was somehow stuck in the W3C's servers for close to three

> E.g.,
> inline-progression-dimension.minimum="1pt"
> inline-progression-dimension.optimum="10pt"
> inline-progression-dimension.maximum="5pt"
> Is the .optimum value still getting constrained by .minimum and
> .maximum (resulting in an inline-progression-dimension value of "5pt"
> in my example), or do other rules take effect?
> I've skimmed the XSL-FO spec, but could not (yet?) find the place
> where this is defined.

See '<length-range>' in Section 5.11, Property Datatypes, [1] in the XSL 1.1
Recommendation.  This includes:

    If "maximum" is less than optimum, it will be treated as if it had
    been set to "optimum".


Tony Graham.
Senior Architect
XML Division
Antenna House, Inc.
Skerries, Ireland


Received on Tuesday, 29 June 2021 18:46:46 UTC