Re: Generating pdf from xsl and xml file

At 2012-01-03 01:03 -0800, wrote:
>I am trying to generate PDF from input xml and xsl file but i am getting
>below error, even if i remove empty tags for fo:table-cell. i am getting
>wrong output. I am using FOP1.0 version.
>SEVERE: Exception
> "fo:table-cell" is missing child
>elements. Required content model: marker* (%block;)+

The message is telling you that you have an empty table cell, and 
that the specification requires that table cells not be empty.

If you are removing the empty table cell, then perhaps you are 
leaving your row empty, and that is also not allowed in the specification.

Inspect your XSLT regarding why you are creating empty table cells 
and, at the least, throw in an empty block so that the table cell is not empty.

I hope this helps.

. . . . . . . . . . Ken

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Received on Tuesday, 3 January 2012 16:01:02 UTC