fo:bidi-override - property applicability

Re: XSL 1.1, why are the following properties NOT cited as being applicable
to fo:bidi-override, when they are applicable to fo:inline or fo:character?

7.5     Common Accessibility Properties
7.8     Common Border, Padding, and Background Properties
7.10    Common Hyphenation Properties
7.12    Common Margin Properties - Inline
7.14.1  alignment-adjust
7.14.2  alignment-baseline
7.14.3  baseline-shift
7.14.5  dominant-baseline
7.20.4  keep-with-next
7.20.5  keep-with-previous
7.29.4  text-altitude
7.29.5  text-depth
7.30.17 visibility

Or, to put it another way, why does fo:bidi-override cite any properties as
being applicable other than: id, direction, unicode-bidi?

As presently defined, fo:bidi-override seems to cite more than properties
than necessary to satisfy the semantic intent expressed by Section 5.8
(Unicode BIDI Processing), yet, at the same time, it does not cite all
properties that one might expect to be applicable to its generated normal
inline areas. Maybe it should be redefined not to generate any areas but
merely return the normal inline areas of its children (along with the other
areas generated by its children), in which case only its semantic affect on
Section 5.8 would be applicable. However, as long as it is defined as
generating inline areas, then it should at least specify those as being
applicable apply to fo:inline or fo:character as listed above.

Glenn Adams

Received on Wednesday, 14 July 2010 09:34:05 UTC