Re: Page-Break and keep-together.within-page

This has already been answered on the FOP users mailing list:

On 30.06.2010 14:12:31 Michael Seeberger wrote:
> Hi there,
> i'm using Apache-Fop Version 0.95 and i'm having problems to get my 
> report created the way i want it to.
> The problem lies in the behaviour of Apache-FOP and the 
> "keep-together.within-page"-attribute.
> The report i want to create consists of several fo:block-Elements in 
> which i use fo:table-elements to layout the report and
> the behaviour of Apache-FOP as i want it to be should be something like 
> this:
>      Condition 1. if a fo:block fits completely on a page then it should 
> stay there.
>      Condition 2. if a fo:block won't fit completely on a page then 
> Apache-FOP should insert a page-break and print it on the next page (i 
> implemented this by using keep-together.within-page="always" and it works).
>      Condition 3. if a fo:block is to large for a single page Apache-FOP 
> should insert a page-break where necessary (won't work if condition 2 is 
> implemented).
> But until now i've not been able to get Apache-FOP working this way 
> because FOP seems to have a problem with the combination of condition 1 
> and condition 2. When a fo:block won't fit on a page FOP inserts a 
> page-break
> when using keep-together but if this fo:block is to large for a single 
> page it won't insert another page-break where necessary but overflows 
> the page.
> The Reason for this seems to be the attribute-value "always", as my 
> Google-research tells me "always" means that when using this value an 
> fo:xxx-Element stays together no matter what even when this leads to an 
> overflow.
> I've also tried using keep-together.with-next or 
> keep-together.with-previous but it didn't work either and using 
> integer-values instead of always isn't supported by Apache-FOP 0.95 as 
> far as i know.
> And heres my Question: Is there really no way to make Apache-FOP create 
> the report the way i want it to?
> thx in advance
> Michael Seeberger

Jeremias Maerki

Received on Friday, 2 July 2010 09:21:41 UTC