RE: different Ident in the same paragraph

Why don't you try to use <fo:list-block> instead of applying margin properties to inlines inside the block?
Place your bullet(&#x2022;) in fo:list-item-label and <para> inside <fo:list-item-body><fo:block/> </fo:list-item-body>.
                <fo:list-block provisional-distance-between-starts="8pt"
                    <fo:list-item-label end-indent="label-end()">
                    <fo:list-item-body start-indent="body-start()">
                       <fo:block>Bla-bla. Lists in XSL FO (XSLFO) are much more than just a bulleted sequence of paragraphs:</fo:block>
Look for more information at

Volodymyr Rodymyuk

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of axdmoraes
> Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 1:43 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: different Ident in the same paragraph
> HI,
>     I have another problem using hanging indent.
> I have this xml:
> <danger>
>       <bulletlist>
>           <para>blablabalbalbalbalbalbalba</para>
>           <para>bloblbolbobloblbo</para>
> <para>blblublublubbulblblublublubbulblblublublubbulblblublublubbul</para>
> </bulletlist>
> </danger>
> And I have this xsl:fo.
> <template match=danger>
> <fo:block  text-indent="-4em" start-indent="4em">
> <fo:inline text-decoration="underline"
> font-weight="bold">Danger:</fo:inline><apply-templates/>
> </template match=danger>
> The next element that will be processed, <bulletlist>:
> <fo:inline text-indent="-4em" start-indent="4em">&#x2022;
> <xsl:apply-templates/></fo:inline>
> and the next element <para>:
> <xsl:apply-templates/>
> but it didnīt indent the text inside the bullet.
> This is what I want:
>  Danger: *blablabalbalbalbalbalbalba
>             *bloblbolbobloblbo
>             *blblublublubbulblblublublubbulblblublu
>               blubbulblblublublubbul
> But this s what appear:
>  Danger: *blablabalbalbalbalbalbalba
>             *bloblbolbobloblbo
>             *blblublublubbulblblublublubbulblblublu
>             blubbulblblublublubbul
> The third line is the problem. It didnīt indent.
> Another question. Is thera a way to make two fo:block in the same line?
> Thanks,
> Alexandre

Received on Wednesday, 8 August 2007 12:42:58 UTC