Re: add a text block at 3rd page of a sequence

At 2003-09-03 15:38 +0200, Christoph Rupp wrote:
>Ken & David,
> > Determine in which region you want your special content on page 3. Ensure
> > that the simple-page-master for "chap01_PAGE3" has a *different* region
> > name for that region than you use for that region in the simple-page-master
> > for "chap01".  In your <page-sequence> define the static content for that
> > specially named region that only appears in the "chap01_PAGE3" geometry.
>Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah i had no idea that i could define my own flow-names. I 
>thought those 5 regions have their predefined names (xsl-region-before 
>etc) and i didn't think that it was possible to create new names!

I counsel my students to *always* use meaningful names for *all* regions as 
I believe it will help long-term maintenance as well as 
readability.  Personally, I never use the default region names even if they 
were sufficient, though of course one may choose to use them since they are 

................ Ken

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Received on Wednesday, 3 September 2003 10:00:53 UTC