Re: Using relative URL's fo:external-graphic

At 11:56 2003 05 20 -0400, Jeremy Nix wrote:

>Is this possible?  If so, can you give me an example because I cannot get them to work with my current setup. 
><fo:external-graphic text-align="right" height="40px" width="78.51px" src="xml/logo.gif"></fo:external-graphic> 
>Where xml is a directory underneath the current application context.  The full url would be: 

Yes it should be possible in theory, but I can't say exactly
how to do it in your case.

However, I note that the XSL spec requires that the value of
fo:external-graphic's src property [1] be a <uri-specification>
which [2] is:

  A sequence of characters that is "url(", followed by optional
  white space, followed by an optional single quote (') or double
  quote (") character, followed by a URI reference as defined in
  [RFC2396], followed by an optional single quote (') or double
  quote (") character, followed by optional white space, followed by ")".

So what you show above isn't valid.



Received on Tuesday, 20 May 2003 12:53:54 UTC