Subject: New 3.1 version of the RTF2FO converter is available!

Novosoft is pleased to announce the 3.1 release of our RTF2FO converter. RTF2FO 3.1 enhances and streamlines process of converting RTF documents to XSL FO separating layout and data of an initial RTF file.

New features and bag fixes:
*	Quick Start User's Guide introduced
*	Non-grouped textboxes are supported using absolutely positioned blocks
*	Section start page number is supported
*	Bookmarks support is improved
*	Optimization: neighbor inline strings with the same formatting context are merged
*	Different RTF files are supported (e.g. WordPad s files)
*	RTF2FO configuration method is improved (read Section 6 of User's Guide for more)
*	Duplication the xmlns:fo attribute problem is solved
*	Bug of template preparing mode are fixed: priority of the extract-data-with-styles option is corrected, output encoding control in stylesheet is added, comments in cycles are moved to the right place.

You can download the evaluation version of the converter from 

and purchase a license you are interested in on

For further information please visit the RTF2FO website at or email

Received on Tuesday, 20 May 2003 12:26:15 UTC