www-xsl-fo@w3.org from August 2003 by subject

(no subject)

[fo:character] hyphenation properties: what for?

ANN: new xsl-fo formatter

ANN: Scriptura 1.2.2: XSL output in trial

Announce: Public XSL training in Europe - September 22-26, 2003 - XSL-FO W3C


Center block within block?

font recognized by fop processor

fop - titled border

fop block padding problem

Horizontal spacing

inherit and reference-orientation

java open source xsl-fo formatter

line wrapping in xsl-fo to pdf


running FOP in Tomcat

Suppressing text?

text and images

xsl-fo fo:inline or fo:blocks height propertie

Last message date: Friday, 29 August 2003 07:49:45 UTC