Fw: fo:inline width

Hi, I'm new to using XSL-FO, and have a basic question.  Below is what I would expect to produce a rudimentary table when included in a well-formed XSL-FO docuement and converted to PDF with Apache Fop 0.20.4.  However, the width's are not being honored.  Any explanation of why this happens?

        <fo:inline width="3in">Title:</fo:inline>
        <fo:inline width="3in">This is a test.</fo:inline>                                                               
        <fo:inline width="3in">Category:</fo:inline>
        <fo:inline width="3in">This is a test 2.</fo:inline>                                                               

Michael Akerman

Received on Monday, 16 September 2002 15:38:42 UTC