Re: CSS to FO???

Hi Curtis,

Antenna House has made a XHTML to FO stylesheet where they incorporated 
style tags. Download their stylesheet here: and look at the file 
called xhtml2fo.xsl. Here you can find the template with the name 
"process-style". This will probably do what you want.


Harm Kok

Diderot Track

Curtis A. Weyant wrote:

>I'm looking for a quick and dirty way XSLT solution to convert a tag attribute containing valid CSS2 to the appropriate FO attribute.  Let me give an example:
>  <p style="text-align: center;font-style: italic">Hi There!</p>
>Would become:
>  <fo:block text-align="center" font-style="italic">
>      Hi There!
>  </fo:block>
>Any thoughts/pointers/references?
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Received on Tuesday, 29 October 2002 02:42:47 UTC