Re: XSL Errata document updated


> Even worse : some productions do not match the rest of the document. For 
> example, the production for a function does not admit whitespace, while at 
> several other places whitespace is admitted before '(' or around the 
> arguments.

There is a special clause on this. The first paragraph of 
[5.9.11. Lexical Structure] reads:

XSL> When processing an expression, white space 
XSL> (ExprWhitespace) may be allowed before or 
XSL> after any expression token even though it is not 
XSL> explicitly defined as such in the grammar. 

The same approach is also used in XPath spec; 
I don't see any problem here. 

Best regards,
Nikolai Grigoriev

Received on Saturday, 26 October 2002 08:01:29 UTC