Re: Extending table automatically

At 2002-08-01 12:11 -0400, Bhairavkar, Minal V wrote:
>I want to extend my table in PDF automatically when it extend the page
>Is there any way to do this using XSL:FO?

If I have understood your question correctly, the answer is "no".

>Could you please help me in this regard.

In XSL-FO 1.0 the dimensions of the page geometry cannot be influenced by 
the dimensions of the content being flowed.

Although in XSL-FO 1.0 the page geometry cannot be influenced by the choice 
of constructs in the content, we have released a free resource (on our web 
site in the "Resource library (free developer tools)" link from our home 
page noted below) that allows you to interleave the constructs of flow in a 
given page sequence between different page geometry masters.  We've called 
this formatting semantic PSMI for "Page Sequence Master Interleave" and 
include an XSLT stylesheet so it can be used with all XSL-FO engines.

I hope this helps.

...................... Ken

Upcoming hands-on in-depth 3-days XSLT/XPath and/or 2-days XSL-FO:
-                               North America:  Sep 30-Oct  4,2002
-                               Japan:          Oct  7-Oct 11,2002

G. Ken Holman       
Crane Softwrights Ltd.
Box 266, Kars, Ontario CANADA K0A-2E0  +1(613)489-0999 (Fax:-0995)
ISBN 0-13-065196-6                       Definitive XSLT and XPath
ISBN 1-894049-08-X   Practical Transformation Using XSLT and XPath
ISBN 1-894049-07-1                Practical Formatting Using XSLFO
XSL/XML/DSSSL/SGML/OmniMark services, books (electronic, printed),
articles, training (instructor-live,Internet-live,web/CD,licensed)
Next public training:           2002-08-05,26,27,09-30,10-03,07,10

Received on Thursday, 1 August 2002 16:21:55 UTC