Re: layout-margin-problem

At 2002-08-01 11:22 +0200, mueller wrote:
>i would like to get a page with a 1 inch page right margin for the body,
>but in the region-before i want to place a logo exactly in the upper
>right corner,
>with a right-margin of 0 inches.
>can that be done somehow?

Yes ... set your page margins to zero and your body margins to whatever you 
need.  The region-before lives between the page margins, so it will extend 
to the page limits.

The following example gives me what you are asking for.

I hope this helps.

............................ Ken

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!>
<root xmlns=""
       font-family="Times" font-size="20pt">

     <simple-page-master master-name="frame"
                         page-height="297mm" page-width="210mm">
       <region-body region-name="frame-body"
                    margin-top="15mm" margin-bottom="15mm"
                    margin-left="15mm" margin-right="15mm"/>
       <region-before region-name="frame-before" extent="15mm"/>

   <page-sequence master-reference="frame">
     <static-content flow-name="frame-before">
       <block text-align="end"><external-graphic src="smflags.bmp"/></block>
     <flow flow-name="frame-body">
       <block>This is a test</block>

Upcoming hands-on in-depth 3-days XSLT/XPath and/or 2-days XSL-FO:
-                               North America:  Sep 30-Oct  4,2002
-                               Japan:          Oct  7-Oct 11,2002

G. Ken Holman       
Crane Softwrights Ltd.
Box 266, Kars, Ontario CANADA K0A-2E0  +1(613)489-0999 (Fax:-0995)
ISBN 0-13-065196-6                       Definitive XSLT and XPath
ISBN 1-894049-08-X   Practical Transformation Using XSLT and XPath
ISBN 1-894049-07-1                Practical Formatting Using XSLFO
XSL/XML/DSSSL/SGML/OmniMark services, books (electronic, printed),
articles, training (instructor-live,Internet-live,web/CD,licensed)
Next public training:           2002-08-05,26,27,09-30,10-03,07,10

Received on Thursday, 1 August 2002 16:21:49 UTC