Alternating or conditional static-content?

Dear XSL-FO Experts,

I have a question about producing "varying static content" for pages,
based on the position of the page or (the parity of) the page number. (I
hope this is not a FAQ; I browsed only the 2002 archive of this list but
did not find anything relevant.) An example of this is the convention of
displaying, say, the names of authors at the top of even-numbered
pages and the title of the chapter at the top of odd-numbered pages. Also,
even page numbers are often aligned at the start (left) edge, and odd page
numbers at the end (right) edge of a page.

My question is:

(1) is it possible to desrcibe such alternating or conditional
static-content with the current XSL page model (simple-page-master).

(2) is it possible to create such alternating or conditional
static-content with some current XSL formatter (like FOP or
Passive TeX or XEP)?

(I know how to use XSLT for conditional processing, but without simulating
the formatting process an XSLT script has no access to XSL traits like
page numbers.)

Yours, Pekka Kilpeläinen

P.S. I now that it may be rude to ask for direct replys to a question
posted on a mail list, but as a university professor I have little
time to monitor mailing lists.
Therefore I would greatly appreciate carbon-copies
of productive replies sent directly to me.

Pekka Kilpeläinen, Univ. of Kuopio, Dept. of Computer Science & Applied Math
    phone: +358 17 163761, fax: +358 17 162595

Received on Thursday, 25 April 2002 11:36:39 UTC