[XSLTalk] ServerXMLHTTP Help

Hi all,

I am having a tough time with the MSXL4 ServerXMLHTTP object.

The crux of what I am doing is this:

I have an ASP page which is called (I think) from an external source where 
the request is made by the  ServerXMLHTTP object.

The request is raw xml which I am able to load into a DOM like so:


I always thought that the load method only accepted a file path but here it 
accepts and perfectly loads a DOM object from the Request object.  Is this 

I then parse this incoming XML and do various other things which l then 
construct a new DOM and load like this:

oDOM.LoadXML sXMLResult

I then have to send this XML to another page on another server which is GOD 
knows where and  the people working there seem to know less than me of what 
is supposed to happen but I think it is placed on a BizTalk Server queue or 
somethin, which I do like so:

Set oSrvHTTP = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.4.0")
oSrvHTTP.Open "Post", "http://DIS_SERVER/dissite/recAddressResponse.asp", 

When I query the ServerXMLHTTP object afterwards I get the following codes:

Status Code: 400
Status Text: Invalid request

If I call the getAllResponseHeaders I get the following text:

Response HeadersServer: Microsoft-IIS/5.0
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2003 08:37:15 GMT
Content-Length: 0
Content-Type: text/html
Cache-control: private

Can anyone shed any light onto this matter of either what the status code 
means or if any of the ResponseHeaders are giving anything away.

Please Help, my head hurts!!



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Received on Thursday, 17 July 2003 05:34:58 UTC