Error in description of XInclude test case


This is just to point out that the description for test case
Nist-include-14 in the testdescr.xml config file (Rev 1.13, dated 20040630
of the XInclude test suite)  incorrectly states the following: Test a
fallback element containing markup when parse="text".  This description was
probably copied from that of test case Nist-include-13 (as it is identical)
but it was not changed to reflect what Nist-include-14 is actually testing
- a fallback element containing text when parse="xml".  Hence the
description of test case Nist-include-14 should be changed to the
following: Test a fallback element containing text when parse="xml".
Thanks.   ...Stacie

Stacie Ahwai-Chang
IBM Toronto Laboratory, XML Parser Development
Phone: 905-413-4118, Tie-line 969-4118

Received on Tuesday, 17 August 2004 09:19:24 UTC