Re: NIST test 41


The test  was based on the Proposed Recommendation (12 Feb). In this 
recommendation section 3.1 states;

"The [children] property of the xi:include element may include a single 
xi:fallback element; the appearance of more than one xi:fallback element, 
an xi:include element, or any other element from the XInclude namespace is 
a fatal error."


At 01:13 PM 6/7/2003 -0400, Elliotte Harold wrote:
>I believe NIST test 41 is in error. Section 3.1 of the XInclude CR draft 
>The content of the |xi:include| element may 
><> include an |xi:fallback| element. 
>Other content is not constrained by this specification and is ignored by 
>the XInclude processor, that is, it has no effect on include processing, 
>and does not appear in the *[children]* properties of the result infoset. 
>Such content might be used by applications analizing a pre-inclusion 
>infoset, or be made available to an application post-inclusion through 
>means other than the normal infoset properties.
>NIST test 41 is as follows:
><?xml version="1.0"?>
><!-- The content of the include element is another
>include element, this test should result in a fatal error. -->
><x xmlns:xi="">
>    <p>The report is available.</p>
>    <xi:include href="../ents/something.xml">
>        <xi:include href="../ents/something.xml"/>
>    </xi:include>
>Given that "Other content is not constrained by this specification and is 
>ignored by the XInclude processor" I believe that it is legal for an 
>xi:include element to contain another xi:include element. This test should 
>not result in a fatal error. Alternately, if the test is correct, then the 
>language in section 3.1 is incorrect, and needs to be changed; e.g.
>The children of the |xi:include| element may 
><> include no more than one 
>|xi:fallback| element. and may not contain any other elements from the 
>XInclude namespace. Other content not from the XInclude namespace is not 
>constrained by this specification and is ignored by the XInclude 
>processor, that is, it has no effect on include processing,
>Elliotte Rusty Harold

Sandra I. Martinez
National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8970,
Gaithersburg, Md. 20899

(301) 975-3579

Received on Wednesday, 11 June 2003 13:22:04 UTC