Interpretation of fragment IDs when parse="xml"

Section 3.1 states:

For interoperability, fragment identifiers should not 
<> be used; the interpretation and 
application of media-specific fragment identifiers in creating 
info-items is not guaranteed to be supported across implementations.

I don't thyink this is strong or complete enough, and will lead to 
interoperability problems. I think that if we go with the xpointer 
attribute (instead of using a fragment identifier) then it needs to be 
explicitly stated that XInclude implementations MUST ignore the fragment 
ID in the URI.

Furthermore, it is unclear what should happen if there is a fragment ID 
and it is syntacticaly incorrect.

To be honest, my preferred solution would be to not use the xpointer 
attribute, and simple wait until XML fragment IDs are finished. But if 
we must have the xpointer attribute more thought is required on what to 
do with fragment IDs that do appear.

On a related note, I do not feel it would be acceptable to move straight 
to PR from this spec. The more I work with it, the more questions I 
have. I think a candidate rec would be a very good idea.

Elliotte Rusty Harold

Received on Saturday, 20 December 2003 22:13:16 UTC