missing href, parse="text", xpointer="something"

Consider the following include element:

<xi:include parse="text" xpointer="xpointer(/)"/>

What, if anything, does this include? Is it an error? If so what sort of 
error and why?

I think the current draft spec is at best unclear on this point. 
According to section 3.1, "The |href| attribute is optional; the absence 
of this attribute is the same as specifying |href=""|, that is, the 
reference is to the same document. If the |href| attribute is absent, 
the |xpointer| attribute must <http://www.w3.org/TR/xinclude/#dt-must> 
be present." However, in the same section, "The |xpointer| attribute has 
no effect when |parse="text"|."

I suspect this should probably be a fatal error (just like omitting both 
parse and href). However, my best current reading of the spec is that 
this does include the current document as text. I think this needs to be 
discussed and, whatever the resolution, should be called out for more 
explicit treatment in the spec.

Elliotte Rusty Harold

Received on Friday, 5 December 2003 22:06:15 UTC