Subresource errors

Section 4.2 states:

Resources that are unavailable for any reason (for example the resource 
doesn't exist, connection difficulties or security restrictions prevent 
it from being fetched, the URI scheme isn't a fetchable one, the 
resource is in an unsuppored encoding, the resource is determined 
through implementation-specific mechanisms not to be XML, or a syntax 
error in an [XPointer Framework] 
<>) result in a resource error 
<>. Resources that 
contain non-well-formed XML result in a fatal error 

I would appreciate clarfication on whether a subresource not exisitng is 
an error. e.g. when exists but does not contain an element 
with the ID red. Accoding to the XPointer spec such an XPointer is 
indeed in error. However, is it a syntax error or something else?

The XPointer spec does not use the term "syntax error". It does not 
distinguish syntax errors from other errors, so there's a little 
mismathc between the two specs here. In this case I could see XInclude 
either using the fallback (it's an XPointer error) or simply including 
nothing (it's not an XPointer *syntax* error.

Either approach seems reasonable, but I think more explicit language is 
called for here.

Elliotte Rusty Harold

Received on Saturday, 30 August 2003 10:30:58 UTC