After further research it appears that there is a more current, 
non-expired draft of IURIs available 
http://www.w3.org/International/2002/draft-duerst-iri-01.txt. The 
XInclude spec should be updated to reference this. In particular, it 
does seem true that these are now called IRIs instead of IURIs.

However, the fundamental point remains that XInclude needs to wait for 
this work to be finished before it can itself be finished. In fact, I 
think even a candidate recommendation is a bit of a stretch when such a 
fundamental underpinning is not complete.

At such time as IRIs are finished, the XInclude spec should normatively 
reference the IRI spec, rather than non-normatively.

Elliotte Harold

Received on Thursday, 10 October 2002 10:42:24 UTC